Workshops Introduction to Starting and Sustaining DH CentersSiemens, Lynne Building bridges between Lausanne and Leeds: Virtual Round Table Discussion on methods, recent solutions and new questions between scholars at the International Mediaeval Congress in Leeds and the Digital Humanities Congress in LausanneBruhn, Kai-Christian; Schwartz, Frithjof Sharing digital arts and humanities knowledge: DARIAH as an open space for dialogueChambers, Sally; Schmunk, Stefan Introduction to Text Analysis and Topic Modeling with RJockers, Matthew The Representation of Multiplicity as a Means to Digital Cultural EmpowermentMareike, Hoeckendorff; Vitale, Valeria; Dunn, Stuart; Gius, Evelyn A Collaborative, Indeterministic and partly Automatized Approach to Text AnnotationBögel, Thomas; Gius, Evelyn; Petris, Marco; Strötgen, Jannik DARIAH-EU VCC2 Workshop on Innovative Teaching Methods and Practices in Digital HumanitiesScholger, Walter; Clivaz, Claire; Tasovac, Toma Introducing the EpiDoc Collaborative: TEI XML and tools for encoding classical source textsBodard, Gabriel; Franzini, Greta; Stoyanova, Simona; Tupman, Charlotte Annotation Studio: an open-source, collaborative multimedia online note-taking tool for humanities teaching and learningFendt, Kurt; Folsom, Jamie; Schnepper, Rachel; Andrew, Liam Project management and sustainable revenue models in the Digital HumanitiesKeller, Stefan Andreas; Keller, Alice; Neuroth, Heike; Rosenthaler, Lukas Using CLARIN for Digital ResearchWynne, Martin; Trippel, Thorsten; Draxler, Christoph Kickstarting the GO::DH Minimal Computing Working GroupSimpson, John Edward ; Sayers, Jentery; O’Donnell, Daniel Paul; Gil, Alex GIS in the Digital Humanities: An introductory workshopGregory, Ian; Barker, Elton; Lang, Anouk Leveraging Web Archiving Tools for Digital Humanities Research and Digital ExhibitionReed, Scott Brian Prosopography WorkshopQuamen, Harvey; Crompton, Constance; Hjartarson, Paul Introduction to electronic books and EPub 3.0Sperberg-McQueen, Michael Curation, Management, and Analysis of Highly Connected Data in the Humanitiesde la Rosa, Javier; Brown, David Michael Linked Data and Literature: Encoding the Facts in FictionLawrence, Katharine Faith “What’s your method?” Building an ontology for digital research methods in the arts and humanitiesConstantopoulos, Panos; Dallas, Costis; Hughes , Lorna; Thaller, Manfred Ontologies for Prosopography: Who’s Who? or, Who was Who?Lawrence, Katharine Faith; Bodard, Gabriel; Bradley, John; Perdue, Susan; Rahtz, Sebastian; Daniel, Pitti; Christian-Emil, Ore Are we there yet? Functionalities, synergies and pitfalls of major digital humanities infrastructuresBenardou, Agiatis; Champion, Erik; Hughes, Lorna; Chambers, Sally; Dallas, Costis; Dunning, Alastair Methods for Empowering Library Staff through Digital Humanities SkillsHettel, Jacqueline; Lindblad, Purdom; Baker, James; Stack, Padraic; Gil, Alex; Miller, Laura; Bourg, Chris Using the PressForward Plugin to Create and Maintain Web PublicationsWestcott, Stephanie; Fragaszy Troyano, Joan Multilinguality in historical documents – challenges and solutions for digital humanitiesRomary, Laurent; Dipper, Stefanie; Bubenhofer, Noah; Vertan, Cristina My Very Own Voyant: From Web to Desktop ApplicationSinclair, Stéfan; Rockwell, Geoffrey Hacking with the TEICiula, Arianna; Czmiel, Alexander; Mylonas, Elli; Rahtz, Sebastian; Cummings, James; Syd, Bauman Sound and (moving) images in focus – How to integrate audiovisual material in Digital Humanities researchOrdelman, Roeland; Kemman, Max; Kleppe, Martijn; de Jong, Franciska; Scagliola, Stef Digital Cultural EmpowermentPalm, Fredrik; Murphy, Orla; Day, Shawn; Thély, Nicholas